Never saw more beautiful pictures and it helps to have a beautiful granddaughter!
michelle ott kristen's mom(non-registered)
om I had a hard time narrowing them down I have never had anyone capture her personality in picturse like you did. you have a gift and I feel privillaged to have my daughters picyures done by you.thank you for taking time out of your busy day
Grace Ellis(non-registered)
Kat- You are truly a gifted photographer. Talented and beautiful. You capture the spirit of my child in your photos. Thank you... I will be ordering my Tiny 1 photo of Claudia Ellis at competition. Can't wait to see more youth 4 photos. Love you.
Joey Fountas(non-registered)
Kat you are amazing! Your pics makes it even more Special!
Cynthia Saltiel(non-registered)
Your pictures are all so beautiful ! They are truly amazing ! Your work is beyond words. Some of your pictures make me laugh and some, like the ones of Laurel, make me cry !!! You capture the personality of the girls. I am so proud of you! Not only are you a great mother, beautiful person but a very talented photographer ! Love you !